There is no question too big or too small for our veterinary team. Below are some answers to our most common questions.

a woman holding a dog

We Proudly Serve the Pets in Elko, NV, and Beyond

At Elko Veterinary Clinic, we get a ton of interesting questions from pet parents. Below are some common FAQs that might help answer any questions or concerns. Please feel free to call us at (775) 738-6116 for any other concerns you might have about your pet.

Why Should I Spay or Neuter My Pet?

There are many advantages of spaying and neutering your pet. These include:

  • Decreasing the chances of mammary tumors later in life
  • Reduce the chance of cystic ovaries and uterine infections
  • Minimizing the desire to roam the neighborhood
  • Decreasing the incidence of prostate cancer
  • Helping to prevent spraying and marking
  • Reduce the surplus of unwanted puppies and kittens
Does My Cat Need to Get Tested For Feline Leukemia?

This testing is highly recommended if your cat is going to be an outdoor cat.

Why Is My Discharge Appointment So Late?

Due to our regularly scheduled appointments, the discharge times are scheduled at the soonest availability for the veterinarian to go over the results of your pet’s day here with you.

Do You Offer Payment Plans?

No, we are a pay-in-full clinic. We do, however, offer CareCredit.

Why Do I Need to Have a Heartworm Test if My Pet Is on Heartworm Prevention?

It is important to have an annual heartworm test to be sure your pet does not have heartworm. Your pet could still get heartworm even if it takes prevention year-round. If your pet does have heartworms, it will need to be treated.

Do You Board Animals and What Are the Requirements?

Yes, we do! Your pet must be at least six months of age, and you must provide proof of vaccinations.

Why Are You Looking in My Puppy's Mouth? They're Just Here to Get Neutered/Spayed. They Have No Problems Eating or Chewing.

That’s great! In addition to performing a general wellness exam, we also pay close attention to looking for retained deciduous teeth or baby teeth. In some cases, the adult teeth grow in, but the baby teeth don’t fall out. They can cause oral problems later in life, so they need to be pulled, and if your puppy is already under anesthesia, then that’s the time to do it.

My Dog/Cat Doesn't Go Outside Very Often and Doesn't Eat Dead Things. They Shouldn't Have Worms and Don't Need to Be Dewormed.

It’s very true that dead things do carry worms and such. But, worms and eggs are transmitted by more than just dead things. Grass and plants, flies and bugs, and other dog’s environments (i.e. bedding, toys, etc.) can be carriers of the eggs. Even though we are at high elevation, we DO have roundworms and tapeworms. We recommend deworming your pet twice yearly, spring and fall, with a dewormer that covers both types of worms. We sell the dewormer here in the hospital.

Why Does My Dog Scoot Its Bottom Across the Floor?

It could mean a multitude of things. Your dog may need their anal glands expressed, they could have worms, or they might be having some bowel movement problems.

Why Would My Dog Constantly Be Shaking Their Head?

They could have an ear infection. Signs of an ear infection include shaking the head, scratching at the ears, and tilting the head. Your dog needs to come in for an exam and ear cleaning.

Why Does My Pet Need a Dental?

Animals have the same problems as humans; the exact process that results in periodontal disease in humans affects our pets.

How Many "Parvo" Shots Should My Puppy Get?

We do not know what the final cost will be without a physical examination of your pet. With an exam, we can determine what diagnostics need to be run and create a treatment plan specifically for your pet. You will also receive an estimate for the diagnostics and the treatment plan.

What Should I Do if My Pet Is Sprayed by a Skunk? How Do I Get Rid of the Smell?

Mix 1 quart of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, 3/4 cup of baking soda, and 1 tsp of Dawn dish soap and apply to your dog’s wet skin. Let the dog soak in the mixture for about 5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

How Much Will My Bill Be?

We do not know what the final cost will be without a physical examination of your pet. With an exam, we can determine what diagnostics need to be run and create a treatment plan specifically for your pet. You will also receive an estimate for the diagnostics and the treatment plan.

What is Laser Therapy?

Laser therapy is used to treat arthritis, acute or chronic pain, back injuries, strains, inflammation, swelling, and wounds. It is also used after surgical procedures to help the healing process.

How Long Is a Dog or Cat 'In Heat,' and How Long Does Pregnancy Last?

Dogs are in heat for about 21 days twice a year, and their pregnancy lasts about 63 days. Cats, however, go in and out of heat all year round until they are bred or spayed. Their pregnancy lasts about 61 days.

At What Age Do I Start Vaccinations for My Kitten or Puppy?

Vaccinations can be given at eight weeks. Some vaccinations require boosters every 3-5 weeks until your puppy or kitten reaches 16 weeks. Puppies and Kittens can then get a rabies vaccination.

What is Kennel Cough?

Kennel Cough is a respiratory infection commonly associated with unvaccinated dogs (Bordetella Vaccine), and some of the symptoms include a dry hacking kind of cough, retching, and a watery nasal discharge.

Are Heartworms a Big Problem in This Area?

No, but it is becoming worse in this area—preventative covers for heartworms and intestinal parasites, which we tend to see more.

Do I Need an Appointment for My Pet to Be Seen?

Yes, patients are seen by appointment. We also offer drop-off services for those who cannot stay for an appointment. Walk-ins are often accommodated, but there may be a wait.

Can My Children Get Parvo from My Dog?

No, it is a species specific disease.

At What Age Can I Spay or Neuter My Pet?

Spaying or neutering can be done at approximately six months of age. Your pet is given an exam prior to surgery to help determine whether your pet is healthy enough for surgery. A pre-anesthetic blood screen is required prior to undergoing anesthesia and surgery and is covered in the overall cost of the procedure.

Should I Cut My Dog's Hair in the Summer Time?

No, if double-coated dogs get a haircut, it may not grow back the same, and the insulation of the second coat helps keep them cool.

What is "Pre-Anesthetic" Blood Screening?

This is a blood test run in the clinic prior to surgery. It tests overall organ functions and blood counts. It is done to assure safety during surgery and the ability to heal following surgery.

I Am Not Going to Breed My Dog. Do I Need to Get It Spayed/Neutered?

It is highly recommended. Male dogs are more likely to run out of the yard because they are searching for a female. Female dogs can get a pyometra, a life-threatening uterine infection that requires emergency surgery.

How Long Do the Sutures Have to Stay In After My Pet's Surgery?

Most skin closures are done with internal sutures that dissolve and do not need to be removed. Procedures involving external sutures require removal in 7-14 days following the surgery.

Can I Feed My Dog Bones?

Feeding bones isn’t appropriate for all dogs. It can cause teeth to break and bones to splinter in the intestines, which can cause major problems, including surgery and hospitalization.